Get a raise from insurance!


Seize your opportunity to command decent reimbursement and get a raise!

The payers cannot afford to lose you in the middle of an unprecedented mental health shortage. Don’t let them gaslight you into thinking they have all the power – they don’t.


Version Date: July 2024

YES, it is possible to get a raise – really!

I’ve coached any number of clinicians and groups who have achieved reimbursement increases from insurance.  Sometimes dramatically so.

Here’s the key to writing a killer “Get a Raise” letter: Discuss the circumstance(s) that will be most persuasive to the people at the insurance company who have the authority to pay you decently. Don’t know what those circumstances are? Download this helpful guide to find out!

Why are you struggling trying to get a yes from people who only have the authority to say no?

The people who can say yes are only found at very the top of the insurance company food chain, and they depend on the people beneath them to protect them from YOU:  providers wanting to get a raise. But there’s a way to bypass customer service effectively – find out more!