Don’t pay to be paid!
Stop Virtual Credit Cards! And you don’t have to pay for EFT / ACH!
CMS and HIPAA support this position NOW, although the people profiting from these schemes do everything they can to keep you from asserting your rights. I’ve done the research for you, and written a letter that works! (I use it regularly).
Don’t waste time calling customer service to “opt-out,” only to have to call back next month…and the month after. Plus, you do NOT have to do the payer’s job and download each and every EOB from their web portal. It’s all in here!
Version date: February 2024
You do NOT have to pay to be paid!
2% here, 3% there…it adds up! Then you add the labor of entering each one of these virtual cards manually into your system, and searching for the EOB’s online. Who has time for all that? It’s possible to get this scam stopped. The problem is, the weapons the law hands us are virtually unintelligible.
Until now.
This download contains a letter template designed to cancel your Virtual Credit Cards and reject costly EFT arrangements. It’s effective! Why? Because the letter cites the law. When you show executives you know your rights, and you mean business – they comply. Why? Because they don’t want to risk the penalties the government can hand out.
So what do you have to lose? (Your current frustrations, that’s what!)