Discover Medicare rates for mental health: 2025 edition
Given that they’re online, it shouldn’t be hard to discover Medicare rates. But, as with most things Medicare, the process is convoluted. This guide will teach you to uncover exactly what you’ll be paid in 2025!
A comprehensive walkthrough of the convoluted process of determining Medicare rates for mental health – updated for 2025!
CMS publishes the reimbursement rates every year – but does anyone know how to use CMS’s lookup?
If you can somehow discover Medicare’s rates, are they accurate? Do you know if you put in the right information? If you enter incorrect codes, localities, or choose the wrong options, the system won’t tell you – you’ll just get a surprise when claims are paid. Possibly an unhappy surprise.
And when you do get a result downloaded – do you know how to interpret the rates shown?
In this age of high costs and stagnant reimbursements, it’s more important than ever that you uncover the exact rates Medicare will allow for your mental health services. Find out how choosing the correct place of service code for telehealth, and your license level, both factor in to what you’ll be paid.
Just because a colleague of yours in the same state gets paid a certain amount, doesn’t guarantee your reimbursement will be the same. Some states have differing levels of Medicare reimbursement – depending on CMS’s assessment of the cost of living in your county. The guide will show you how to pick your exact location so as to be confident that when you discover Medicare rates for mental health, they will be the correct ones for calendar year 2025.